People often ask, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” The problem is that we human beings have narrow vision. Compared to Allah, we know nothing. A thing may seem bad, when in reality it is good for our souls or our futures. If you can permit me a clichéd example, you might miss an important flight and think that it’s a disaster, then the plane crashes and you realize your life was saved.
In reality the consequences will not always be so obvious. You might be engaged to someone and so excited, then the engagement falls through and you are heartbroken and asking, “Why did this happen?” And what you don’t see is that maybe the person was unfaithful, or has a drug problem, or is violent, and Allah has saved you from a life of misery.
As Allah says,
But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. – Quran 2:216
So trust in Allah’s plan for you. This is why belief in Qadar (Divine predestination) is one our pillars of imaan (faith). Because we believe that Allah loves us, and is caring for us and guiding us, even in times of misfortune.
Don’t Think That You are Being Punished
In the same vein, so many people seem to think that hardships are a punishment from Allah. They say, “Why is Allah angry with me? When will Allah stop punishing me?”
SubhanAllah, the truth is just the opposite. Allah attaches no value to the things of this world. That’s why you see so many of the corrupt and powerful living in material luxury. They are being given rope with which to hang themselves. Material comforts are meaningless to Allah. If Allah wants good for you, He tests you. Allah causes us to suffer in this life so that we can be purified, so we can grow and be ready for Jannah.

Doesn’t He say in the Qur'an:
Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. – Quran 29:2-3

Allah lebih tahu apa yang terbaik kan? ;) trust in Allah. Thanks for the post :D
sy ade jugak face some difficulties in life..tp bila reflect balek,maybe Allah nak teach sumtin =)
bersangka baik padaNya.
If datang sebarang ujian just sabr.. itu tandenye kite sedang diuji :-)
hadapi ujian itu dgn tenang n redha dgn stiap ktentuannya ^^
sahabat...hidup yang tiada cubaan umpama lauk yang tiada rasa...jadi kuatkan iman dan percayalah ada hikamh yang berlaku disebalik kejadia yang menimpa kita...
nice~ :D
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